Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sure Signs that Summer is Slipping Away

No matter how hard I try--it is like hanging on the side of a cliff by the tips of my fingers--like Eva Marie Saint in North By Northwest.  Remember that movie?--she and Cary Grant are being chased by evil criminals over the crags of Mt. Rushmore and she slips and is hanging by her fingertips over the edge.

That is how I approach the end of summer.  PLEASE NOOOOOOOO!  Not yet!!!

But "yet" has arrived  The limelight hydrangeas are getting that early fall tinge.  Dear Husbola has been reminding me that the meteorological start to fall happened over a month ago and that Xmas is in "X" amount of months.   The petunias in pots are saying "I'm done".  Our show schedule is over for another year.  Auction goer garb now included a jeans jacket.

We are not doing any shows this fall.  We finished out the year at Elkhorn in August and are now zeroing in on keeping the shops stocked and starting some theme stockpiling for next spring's shows.  It does seem like it was just a short time ago that we were preparing for the Blumen Gardens and Rockford shows.  But it was seven months ago.

This has been a mediocre auction season.  I am not sure if people are moving less--therefore less auctions.  But our usual full calendar of good estate auctions is fewer and far between.  We are less willing to jump in the car and drive great distances and stay overnight on the "speck" of an auction in an area we are not familiar with.

Sales at Walworth and Odana have been strong this summer--we are very happy about that.  So we march into fall feeling better about the business than we have in awhile. 

There are plenty of shows this fall--we just do not do them.  The WADA show in Waukesha and the Fox Valley show are both in October.  There are plenty of area shows in people's barns and yards-more of those cropping up all the time.  Rustic settings with pumpkins and haystacks and attractive vintage whatevers filled with bittersweet vines.  Some even serve hot apple cider to shoppers.

But for me--I will just go out and give those darn petunias another fertilizer cocktail.

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Elkhorn Antique Market August 11, 2019

"Summer afternoon, summer afternoon--to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." Henry ...