Monday, April 22, 2019

No More Concrete or Cast Iron Please

Dear One  and I spend many good hours wandering around looking for quirky things to sell.  There is nothing that makes a dealer smile more than to have a browser or a customer comment on our stock at the shop or at a show.  "You have a good eye."  What a compliment.

But no more concrete items.  No more cast iron treasures.  Dear One has spoken.

Oh-- now you are just like me I know that.  You see wonderful statuary or bird baths or sundials and say--what patina!!  What form!!  Must buy.

Nope.  No more.  Advancing years (!) ailing backs or the threat of strained muscles makes the dictate full of reason.  My head says--of course we should not buy that.  Too hard to transport.  Too awkward to lift and haul.
But my heart says, "maybe I can find someone to help us lift this into the truck...."

Monday, April 15, 2019

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Spring Look Spring Shows

Finally it is time to start showing fresh spring merchandise in our shop and shows.  Out with the brown, in the with greens and COLOR!

Next up:  The quirky Elkhorn Antique Market in May.

Elkhorn Antique Market August 11, 2019

"Summer afternoon, summer afternoon--to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." Henry ...