Monday, July 27, 2015

Alien Beings from Another Planet

The news is full of the incredible pictures of Pluto sent back to earth from the "drive by"  space camera.  They actually brought back memories of childhood and drawing pictures in grade school of the solar system.  I bet if you dug in a box in my folks' basement you could some up with one or two.  (Maybe I should frame them and sell as vintage.)  Or the more painful days in college when I took astronomy as my semester of science elective.  No math I was told.  Calculate the collapse of a black hole anyone?  Make drawings of quarks and hadrons?  I still shudder.

Now I am seeing possible evidence of outer space around every corner.
This lovely hosta flower is on the the tallest stalk I have seen--over four feet.  Sort of looks like the cartoon Jettson's  high rise apartment building in the 1960s cartoon.
Love love love vintage science fiction movies.  They seem to take one of two tracks--martians invading earth or oversized creatures that must have morphed because of the US use of the atom bomb.  There is usually a handsome scientist trying to get to the bottom of the problem and a buxom assistant who he does not notice till she takes off her glasses.
There is something about a summer evening and popping in a science fiction dvd and slurping a piece of cold watermelon and stepping back into the 1950s.

Not a martian sighting.  Just Dear One deciding that he needed to "visit the girls" and check the honey flow.

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"Summer afternoon, summer afternoon--to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." Henry ...