Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mall Checks and Veggie Run

It was a dark and rainy day--and I needed a break.  That usually means driving a hour-ish to the malls we are in--and picking up our monthly checks.  I take the opportunity to take up some fresh inventory, reduce some prices, move around the inventory and general primping.  There is an added bonus this year.

Pearce's Vegetable Stand north of Walworth.  It is like the stands I remember in Wisconsin from my youth.  And when I learned that this one has been in place for 45 years--it IS a stand of my youth.

It only opens mid summer--and I wait for that day eagerly.  Open air and hjammed with homegrown glory.  Wagons of potatoes-eggplant-squash-sweet corn picked 10 minutes ago--and TOMATOES.  I have made several trips this summer--and I am freezing sauce like a house afire.  And YELLOW tomato sauce.  Marvelous.

Yesterday they had three flatbed wagons filled with pumpkins and gourds.  I snagged two mottled flesh pumpkins.  And a few tomatoes-

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Elkhorn Antique Market August 11, 2019

"Summer afternoon, summer afternoon--to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." Henry ...