Saturday, February 13, 2010

Remind Me Again Why We are Doing This?

Husbola asks me that question-- alot. And often, really often when we are doing something antique business related and especially when we are experiencing extremes in weather and temperature and are getting ready to exhibit and sell at an antique show.

In November each year--Husbola and I review what antique shows we sold at earlier in the year--those that were successful and which were not. We pull out our calendars and decide which shows will be "keepers", whether we will add any new shows to the schedule and if there are any we wish to dump. (The criterian for adding or dumping a show will be the subject of another future post). In November--a few months removed from our last show--ALL shows for the upcoming year look fresh and new and interesting and we start submitting contracts and booth deposits.

Then the inevitable happens. A month before a show--we need to start putting together the inventory--and the dash to fill in inventory holes begins. Where will we get fresh, innovative goods that will fit the current buying trends of today's customers? Can we get it prepped (cleaned/repaired) priced and ready for the show in time? How do we price it this year--so that is sells after one or two showings only? When do we pack the truck--will it all fit--are we taking too much--too little--what is the booth set up strategy? When will we make hotel reservations, stop the papers and mail, get enough currency for change? Do we have all the supplies-extra alight bulbs-booth rods and curtains-lights--supply bucket? Have we sent show cards to customers, have enough reciepts and business cards and fresh shopping bags and tissue paper and bubble wrap? The list is long.

Show set up day arrives--and inevitably it is hot. Humid maybe. Maybe REALLY humid. We hate humid. Once the booth is set up--and Husbola and I have co-existed and everything is ready--we wonder--remind me again why we are doing this?

When the 1 out of 100 customers is a real jerk shows up--and tries to buy something for nothing--remind me again why we are doing this? When sales are under expectations and it comes time to packing this all up again--remind me again why we are doing this?

Because we love it. Will we ever be able to support ourselves on our sales? No. But antiquing is something Husbola and I love--have been doing most of our lives and certainly our almost 28 years of knowing each other lives. Our first date was an antique show. Our house has two modern things in it--a television--and I can't remember the other thing.

Remind me again why we are doing this? Because we can't help it.

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Elkhorn Antique Market August 11, 2019

"Summer afternoon, summer afternoon--to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." Henry ...