One of my favourite quotes is by Henry James, "Summer afternoon --summer afternoon...the two most beautiful words in the English language."
Those of you who know me know that I might alter that a bit to be "Summer antique estate auction" are the four most beautiful words in the English language. But even I have my limits and Husbola and I reached those limits recently at a local auction.
The ad sounded fabulous--both in the paper and on line at auctionzip.com. A deceased doctor's estate--four outbuildings that had not been looked at or unloaded for decades. The location was less than an hour away-- the allure of the unpicked was intriguing. To me maybe--Husbola was sceptical.
First--the dewpoint was about 70. No sun was a bonus--but still--we perspire just thinking about a 70 dewpoint.
Second--when we arrived--the ads had not said--"each and every item is covered in inches of grime." Not good. "But look, Husbola." said I as we wandered to each wagon, "this would be really neat when cleaned up." "Uh-huh," said Husbola. This is his generic response when he is not convinced the auction is any good--and when he would rather be someplace else.
There really were some interesting salvageable things at the auction--great 1930s snow shoes-early western US 19th century maps--great lead pig weathervane--our kind of things. And look at the picture--behind the crocks? That great all wooden fishing boat--with original label and patina? BUT--when the order of auction was announced--those items would probably surface mid afternoon. Ok--but not when your watch says 9:30am and the auctioneer has to wade through wagons and wagons and WAGONS of the grimy dreck.
Now--if you are familiar with the American Pickers program on PBS--you know that those two men get all excited over the possibility of this inventory. They don't attend auctions--but these items came out of grubby outbuildings--and they would jump with gusto uncovering these things.
Husbola and I were not jumping and certainly not with gusto. Actually--Husbola was watching the sky as it was churning and darkening--and I was watching big time decoy collectors pay ridiculous thousands of dollars for chippy decoys. Finally Husbola prevailed on me to hurry back to the car-just as the sky opened up and the thunder and lightening started to rock and roll. All the while the auctioneer continues to call the auction. Nuts. And dangerous.
So--calmer heads prevailed (well--ONE calmer head prevailed named Husbola) and we decided to pack it in and head home. I HATE to do that--especially as it is summer--and we have several shows and need inventory.
We ran some errands and came home and enjoyed a summer afternoon more like Henry James' style--which included a nice G and T on the patio.
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