May can be a dodgie month-weatherwise--so when we prepare to sell at Elkhorn--we are never quite sure what clothes to take. The weather can be delicious outside--but when sitting in a large metal animal barn with a cement floor--it can be cold and clammy.
We lucked out last weekend--the weather was cool enough for light jackets--and that is perfect for packing in and out. This year--we were in the "Small Animals" building. Each building at Elkhorn has a personality of sorts--this building is very long with a wide aisle--and the dealers have more decorative antiques and collectables--and they take care with display.
We arrived early in Old Green--and lined up as is the custom at the north gate. At 1pm sharp--they open the gate and dealers stream in to find their selling spaces and start the set up. At the same time--from another gate--customers pay a pricey premium to enter at the same time. It is a bit surreal--as we are setting up tables and racks and lights--eager buyers are scooting around--some on bicycles and almost all with wagons--to scoop up the treasures as fast as dealers can unpack them.
Husbola and I have a plan and routine. We both unload the vehicle --but then I scurry off to start my shopping and Husbola remains to set up and decorate the booth. Yup--you read that right. Over the years--he has developed a real eye for making the booth attractive. He likes to do it--it looks great--and all the while I am racing around looking to beat out customers on the goodies foaming from other dealers' vehicles.
This year--we took better things. We did not take much "dreck" to sell inexpensively. We operated this spring on the premise that not everyone wants a rusty garage widget or a 1970s bean bag chair-or even a broken Santa nutcracker that just needs the head glued back on. We sold some french things, a small chest, a great English silver trophy among others.
A few observations from a quirky, out of our ordinary weekend. 1. There are alot of people who should never wear shorts. 1A. Even good legs need to have a little tan on them. 2. More and more people are bringing their kids--and that is GOOD thing--the shoppers of tomorrow. 3. Nothing makes you feel older than a kid holding onto a sled he just bought (and identical to the one I had in 1969) and say to his Dad--"this is a great sled--and it is soooooo antique. " 4. There are more and more grown men who wear sports jerseys. Maybe they need to leave that to the kids. 5. The Future Farmers of America booth makes great coffee. 6. Next time--throw a few of those rusty things in the truck to round out the booth.
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